Privacy Policy

Your privacy is extremely important to us and it serves the bases of how we collect and use your information. To give you better idea about our policy, read below mentioned privacy policy which summarizes how do we collect and use any personal identifiable information. Please spend few moments to read our privacy practices, in case you have any concerns you can contact us freely.

Information Collection

We only collect personal information which you provide voluntarily through our website or by email correspondence. Example of personal identifiable information is as below,


Company Name

Contact Information


Email address,

We may collect that information to improve our service and provide better options to customers based on their preferences such as below,

Region and Language

Type of Browser

What content you requested

Type of Operating System

Domain Name

Information collection also helps us to avoid web spam, spam orders at the most.

Use of Information Our use of your personal identifiable information serves the following purposes,

Our primary purpose of requesting and using your personal information is to fulfill your order against our products and services. This information helps us to respond to your queries properly. Whenever we have any promotion or update, we use your information to send you the latest news, updates and promotions. In case you do not wish to be contacted, we will stop sending any such information based on your consent. Other Important Information

For any outgoing link from our site we do not undertake any responsibility for the content or privacy policies of those websites. We might use cookies which are data store on your computer by your browser. These cookies are just meant to recognize your location, browsing preferences and to recognize you in future by our servers. You can disable these cookies from your browser settings. In case of any legal requirements your information may be released for judicial or governmental investigations. We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time.

We will promptly reflect any such modifications on these Web pages.