Prestashop Beautiful - Template emails and for emails of modules
Full email templates for prestashop 1.5, prestashop 1.6, prestashop 1.7, prestashop 8 You can change color text, size of font and any font available on Google fonts for text of all template
Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x
Security you data GDRP
15 day your money back guarantee
Support show link social network (google plus, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, pinteres). Contact us we will help you add new social that you want.
Support to show link menu navigator. You can change link that you want. You can add contact informations (email, phone) on your email that customer can contact you. You can put a banner on footer for your promotion
Customize text and color
Change font available on Google fonts
Support show banner promotion
Contact information (email + phone on header and address on footer)
Responsive for all device
Change color, and style of table
Change background (footer, header, content, and background template)