Advanced lazy load images Module PrestaShop
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Advanced lazy load images Module PrestaShop

Advanced lazy load is amazing  to speed up your website which powered by . then load images in your website, in this case will help reduce the loading time

Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

€19.99 Tax excluded

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€49.99 -60.02%

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Advanced lazy load is amazing  to speed up your website which powered by . then load images in your website, in this case will help reduce the loading time

What this module does for you

Improves your site’s performance by loading your product images on demand. There are many ways to improve the performance of your magento store. All shop owners will know that product images play an important part. However, there is one problem with this. The more images you have, the slower the site loads and utilizes more bandwidth.  A very good solution to this is to load your images on demand, or what is most commonly known as lazy loading.  ConclusionLazy loading is a additional way to improve the page's loading time and overall performance. You only need 1-2 minutes to install this module.


Load product images on your Prestsahop site as scroll

The module will delay loading product images until customers scroll down the page, which leads to faster loading speed and brings better shopping experience.

Support Threshold feature to decide the load time point of product images

Threshold function prevents the load time delay when the next images are loaded and guarantees the fast site speed. Customers may not recognize the process of loading the images and they also do not have to wait for the site load time for all the content of the page shown. For example, if admin set “0” on Threshold bar, the images shall be loaded immediately as appearing on screen. Otherwise, if you set “300”, the next pictures shall be loaded before customers’ scroll 300 pixels.

Easily upload an attractive loading icon as your wish for better display

Admin can upload another loading icon and customize its width in order to have a better performance of the main product images before loading.

Control images that will not be affected by lazy loading

Optimize SEO for PrestaShop stores

Unlike other Lazy Load modules which can harm the effort of SEO for PrestaShop site, the module erases the bad impacts to maintain and optimize SEO - friendly level of your PrestaShop site. Additionally, this module supports  for image tags to support SEO in case the browsers do not understand srcset.

Support Jquery Library

Work perfectly with banner slider

All website images products image with instagram , youbute video and images


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office 

 ➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules   

➤ Add New Module 

 ➤ Upload zip 

 ➤ Install & Configure 

Data sheet
#Advanced lazy load
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