GA4 Google Analytics & GTM - Latest Prestashop
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GA4 Google Analytics & GTM - Latest Prestashop

GA4  Google Analytics shows you the full customer picture across ads and videos, websites and social tools, tablets and smartphones. That makes it easier to serve your current customers and win...

Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

€11.59 Tax excluded

€11.59 Tax excluded

€29.00 -60.02%

Security policy
Security you data GDRP
Return policy
15 day your money back guarantee


 the new generation tag Google Analytics 4 and get more relevant data collection with Google's machine learning. Combine Universal Analytics (UA) and GA4 for complementary and innovative reporting

What this module does for you

An ad click here, a page view there, a video watched on a tablet before bed... but which one clinched the sale?

Google Analytics has the latest in full-credit measurement, so you see all the stops people take on the road to action.

The result: a measurable way to improve campaigns and reach new audiences as they go through their days.

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What your customers will like

Google Analytics can be used to optimize your website performance and attract more number of customers for boosting your sales prospects. 


The module automatically installs the Google Analytics 4 tag as soon as you tell it the measurement ID of your GA4 property. The tag is configured to send, in addition to the default events, the essential "e-commerce" events (product view, add to cart, lead generation, purchase, refund,...), as well as other recommended events (login, account creation,...).


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office

➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules

➤ Add New Module

➤ Install & Configure

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