Prestashop All In One Images : Compress, WebP, Zoom, SEO Alt
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Prestashop All In One Images : Compress, WebP, Zoom, SEO Alt

Great module to all over site images and speed optimization . This module you website images Compress, WebP, Zoom, Regenerate, Delete, Lazy Load, SEO Alt Tags generate, Swap on hover and much etc function.

Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

€29.00 Tax excluded

€29.00 Tax excluded

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Image compression tool to optimize all images on your site, clean unused images, and load images on demand with Lazy Load. Support Google WebP image, reSmush compressor, save hosting storage and bandwidth, and improve SEO ranking

Image optimization

All In One Images module enables you to save 40-60% of the image size but still keep the image quality as the original. You can manually optimize all existing images available on your website (such as product images, product category images, supplier images, etc.) or optimize any image you want by uploading images or browsing your website images. This module provides 6 powerful image optimization methods.

SEO Alt tags

Our module have option to generate SEO Alt tags . This module automatically and manual option to set by variable and generate Alt tags.

Lazy loading

Our module also offers Lazy load feature to help you defer loading of images at page load time. Instead, these images are loaded at the moment of need and therefore your page loading time will be improved.


Image site map option this module .

Swap image on mouse hover

Image Swap on mouse hover option enable and disable option.

• Features

Serve images are next gen format (webp) to rank better in google, when the browser supports the format, if the browser does not support webp format, images will be displayed in .jpg format.
The module is automatically pre-configured for best performance, no confusing settings.
Images supported: Product, Category, Supplier, Manufacturer, Cms, Modules, Theme images
Automatically generates webp format for newly added products.
Php WebP library optional, if your server does not have the necessary php libraries ( GD Library + WebP or Imagick + WebP) it will automatically convert the images using our free API.
Now converts and serves all Theme, Modules, Cms images.

image Swap on mouse hover ( ROLLOVER)

Better user experience : with light effects, your website will come to life and your customer won't feel passive anymore.
Image Compression

Reduce images size significantly by compressing them.
Easily compress JPG and PNG images in your store.
On average, JPG images are compressed by 40-60% and PNG images by 50-80% WITHOUT visible loss in quality.
Improve customer experience with fast loading pages.
View log of images and their statuses. You can compare sizes of images before and after compression.
You can use CRON to automatically compress images on scheduled time periods.
Product images will be compressed automatically by CRON after you add them.
Compress unlimited number of images without any cost with ReSmush API
Zoom with Mobile Friendly
The zoom functionality is mobile friendly and allows the user to have a great user experience on mobile and desktop
Options: Fast Zoom in, Zoom out; Auto-play images; Full-screen; Download image button; Share button
Using AJAX, it does not overload the server asking to calculate all the images simultaneously. He treats one by one, erasing the old miniature just before regenerate so that images are always available on your shop.
Delete redundant product , category , and all over site images
Delete images of unused formats
Save disk space
Image descriptions are a little-known SEO feature for product pages, but precise description is a surefire way to increase your e-commerce’s search engine visibility.
The SEO Images (Alt tag) module automates ALT tag creation for product images and produces quality content to improve your site’s page ranking.


➤ Log-in Admin Panel / Back-Office
➤ Go to Menu: Back-Office >> Modules
➤ Add New Module
➤ Upload zip
➤ Install & Configure

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