Prestashop Hide Price & Add to Cart - Customer login
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Prestashop Hide Price & Add to Cart - Customer login

Hide Price and Cart Button Hiding price or Add to Cart Button enables merchants to optimize their product price appearance according to their sales strategy. option if customer login show price and add to cart button.

Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

€29.00 Tax excluded

€29.00 Tax excluded

Security policy
Security you data GDRP
Return policy
15 day your money back guarantee

This module helps you to manage the display of your product prices and add to cart function for specific customer tags and products. You can create custom hide price rules and attach them to customer types and specific products, replace Add to Cart button with Contact form and customize its button label, font color, form label, and fields. The auto-response feature helps you automate replies to each enquiry.

Option when customer login then price displayed
Enable/Disable rule
Hide price
Hide or Show Cart Button
Configure Cart replacement type as None, Test, Link/Button, Image, or Contact Form
Enable/Disable Cart Button
Hide for selected products & categories
Hide for specific customer groups

Multi Option
Multi shop Support
Multi language Support

Data sheet
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