Ultimate Super Speed - GTmetrix amazing
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Ultimate Super Speed - GTmetrix amazing

Ultimate super speed is a great module to install and forget about the page load speed issues and minimize page loading time, utilize server resource , save bandwidth and SEO optimization

Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

€29.00 Tax excluded

€29.00 Tax excluded

Security policy
Security you data GDRP
Return policy
15 day your money back guarantee

1-click to improve your website speed .


Improving your site’s speed will get you a better score on major speed testing services such as  GTmetrix, Pingdom, WebPageTest ,Google PageSpeed and will also improve your overall site’s usability. This will help Google and other search engines to rank your site higher in search results thus sending more traffic.


People abandon pages that take more than a few seconds to load, which means slow pages lose you visitors,customers,orders (and money). You don’t want that to happen, do you? 


Ultimate Super Speed 100%  sure to make your website faster than ever in just one 1-click.

• Features

  •  Dashboard Feature 

  • Automatically-configuration, set everything up in 1 click

  • Image optimization status

  • Loading time speedometer

  • Current website speed chart of page loading speed

  • Generated page caches

Image Compressor Feature

  • We Upload images from computer or browse images on your website to manually optimize

  • Easily compressJPG and PNG images in your store.

  • Reduce images size significantly by compressing them.

  • On average, JPG images are compressed by 40-60% and PNG images by 50-80% WITHOUT visible loss in quality. Improve customer experience with fast loading pages.

  • You will save a lot of disk space on your server.

  • Lazyload image configuration

  • Image cleaner feature

Website Page Cache Configuration Feature

  • Enable/disable Page cache

  • Cronjob Auto refresh caches using

  • Website files Compress cache into ZIP files

  • Every page select page to cache and adjust page cache lifetime.

  • Option JavaScript Add code option

Minify and cache Feature 

  • Minify HTML

  • Minify CSS

  • Minify JavaScript

  • Enable / Disable Server cache and file system cache option

  • Enable / Disable Smarty cache

  • Browser cache and gZIP Feature 

  • Enable/disable browser cache and gZIP option

  • Default settings Enable Browser cache and gZIP

  • Database Clean extra data and optimization Feature 

- Clean Prestashop database all extra data like Log , extra cart , Views , useless discount etc...

  • Multi Option

  • Multi shop Support

  • Multi language Support


  • Install and click on auto-configuration and enable disable option and check your website speed 

Data sheet
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