Prestashop Newsletter Pro - Ultimate
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Prestashop Newsletter Pro - Ultimate

This module for PrestaShop allows you to create and send your own newsletters with different products from your store using many customizable templates.

Compatibility v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

€29.00 Tax excluded

€29.00 Tax excluded

Security policy
Security you data GDRP
Return policy
15 day your money back guarantee

This module for PrestaShop allows you to create and send your own newsletters with different products from your store using many customizable templates.
We all know that advertising plays a key role in promoting any business. Using our newsletter will boost your sales faster and easier than any other newsletter module available on the market.
This module is an easy and fast way to send customizable newsletters about top selling products or special offers to your clients.


If you want a detailed list of features, or if you have some questions regards this module, please contact the developer via the prestashop form.

1. General
Save time. Perfect workflow with AJAX, the browser doesn't refresh because the most of the operations will run in background.
Working with MultiStore.
Working with MailChimp (synchronization, import and export templates).
Allow customers to subscribe to a specific category from the shop.
Allow users to subscribe at your newsletter from the website front-office.Collect more data about your users like: First Name, Last Name, Gender, Language and Birthday.
You can create a list of interests that allow users to choose different options when they want to subscribe to the newsletter. Later all this information can be filtered by you from the back-office.

2. Select products
Easily add products from your store (image, name, price, short description, etc.).
You can select the language and the currency in which the products are to appear in a newsletter.
Insert selected products into a new template.
The possibility of sorting the products (price, name, discount) before inserting them into the newsletter.
Choose a different product currency for a different language.

3. Manage Templates
Create a newsletter template with the selected products from your store.
Use multi languages templates.

4. Mail integration
Allow customers to unsubscribe from the newsletter.
Allow customers to view the newsletter in browser.
Add multiple SMTP configurations other than the default prestashop configuration.
Add SMTP as Gmail, Mailjet, Mandrill, Yahoo, Hotmail etc.

5. Front office newsletter subscribe integration
The users can input the email addresses into a field in the shop front-office and a popup window will appear on the screen to proceed the newsletter subscription.

6. Back office newsletter subscribe integration
Create multiple popup templates (for the front-office) to allow users to subscribe at your newsletter. The popup templates support a number of 20 variables.
Some of the variables examples are – display the shop name, – display the shop logo, – display the voucher code that is assigned to the template, etc.
Edit template css styles.
Conditional statement are allowed by the templates.

7. Manage emails lists. Selection & Filters
There are four lists with emails available: “Customers”, Visitors (from the module block newsletter subscription),”Visitors” (from the module newsletter pro subscription), “Added” (a personal list with emails).
All the lists have available a smart search. Search the recipients by First Name, Last Name, or email address.
Filter the recipients by: language, group, store, customer birthday.
Remove bounced email addresses.

8. Front office newsletter forwarding system
If the newsletter template has the forwarding feature activated, the user can forward the newsletter up to five friends.
In the website front office the user can add up to five friends email addresses. The next time when you send the newsletter, the five friends will receive your newsletter.
The friends can receive an email notification on the newsletter that will know that a friend of has forwarded the newsletter.
The friends can unsubscribe from the newsletter.

10. MailChimp integration
Synchronize customer, visitors, and a personal list with MailChimp.
Import templates from a MailChimp account
Export the template with products included, into a MailChimp account.
The fields imported into MailChimp are (First Name, Last Name, Shop, Group, Language, Last Order, etc.)
Use CRON job to make the MailChimp synchronize to run automatically every day.

11. Manage images
Scale the product images size in real time by using a simple slider.
Delete or Upload new images and use them to build a nice template.
Resize or not the width of the image when uploading a new one.
Use your own image size for the products, or select the predefined size of the prestashop system.
Embed images into the newsletter.

12. Task automation
Create tasks schedule with different SMTP configurations and different templates.  
Use CRON job to make tasks to run automatically every day.
Test the task SMTP connection before send it.
Send, Pause or Delete the scheduled tasks.
Send multiple tasks in the same time.
Show tasks status ( today , tomorrow, in progress - total emails , sent successfully sent errors, view error messages ).

13. Send Newsletters
Newsletter performances have been improved. Now you can use multiple SMTP connections, for sending newsletters, in the save time.
Set a time interval between successive sent emails.
Pause option when sending newsletters.
Send a test newsletter to your email address.
The possibility to clear the newsletter history records.
Send the last newsletter to the new customers when they create a new account on the store.
Sending newsletters using SMTP via AJAX.
No time limit for php scripting (php_execution_time) because of AJAX.

15. History
View the history of the newsletters sent.
View the history of the tasks sent.
View the number of readed emails.
View the number of unsubscribed emails.
View the number of forwarders unsubscribed emails.
View history sent errors.
View the newsletter template in the history section.
View the newsletter sent details ( ex: all sent email address ).
Delete one newsletter record from the history.
Clear all the records from the history.

16. Settings
[Yes, No] Display only subscribed emails.
[Yes, No] Send multiple tasks in the same time.
[Yes, No] Display only active products that are available for the customer.
[Yes, No] Customer subscribe by category.
[Yes, No] Send the last newsletter when a client create a new account.
[Yes, No] Use pretty url.
[Yes, No] The usage of pretty url.
[Yes, No] Activate the front option subscription feature.
Choose the module subscription option: by block newsletter module or by newsletter pro module.
Import all emails from the block newsletter module to the newsletter module.
[Yes, No] Secure subscribe (send a confirmation email when a user submitted the subscription request).
Clear the emails that did not confirmed the subscription to the newsletter.
[Yes, No] Activate Debug Mode
A log file is available.
Clear the website smarty cache
Create multiple database backups for this module.
Restore the backups.
Create shortcuts to the menu.

Data sheet
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