Prestashop Catalog

With  Prestashop Catalog Modules you can better manage your catalog, how your products are presented on on your website and your site visitors interact with them. An example would be to use AJAX to load more products when website visitors scroll down the page. What this does is actually removes the pagination. So you give your visitors powerful and unique browsing experience. Here are some of the features you will enjoy with our Best PrestaShop Modules for Catalog.

Easy to install and manage PrestaShop Addons

We know customers buy products for their reasons, therefore we incorporate every element that fulfils their needs

100% clean and optimized code

Life Time free Support

100% free upgrades

 Modules do not develop products which are merely a cause of interest for business men but we develop solutions which benefit them. To give you an example, you would listen to customers in order to understand what they think about your products. This is a constant practice which gives you so much information about what exactly you need to work on and what features you should be incorporating on your website.  Catalog Modules comes right into place here, you can use PrestaShop Catalog addons such as Tell us a price, Advance FAQ , Hot Products etc.

This module allows customers to provide you with your competitors list who are selling products similar to yours but in lesser price. Another great solution comes when people are able to express their valuable thoughts in the form of Product testimonials, Video Testimonials. These catalog plugins are authentic tools for selling and marketing, because one good testimonial can increase so many sales. So by using professional prestashop catalog plugins for your online PrestaShop store you get abundance of wealth in capturing customers’ satisfaction. It prepares a healthy ground for your marketing and advertising needs and  Modules helps you in achieving this success.

Change currency position and symbol
This one of the best module to Change the currency symbol and position with language .

 you need to change the dollar symbol into any other symbol or letter add in module configuration.
Disable / Hide products per countries
This module allows you to disable and Enable  a product by  countries. A easy to use module to disable show specific products for specific countries in store front.
Featured Products - Carousel and Responsive
Display Featured Products by category Home page Product page bottom and every page left right column with responsive and slider. Best module to Show product's
Google Customer Rating and Reviews
Best customer rating and review module for Prestshop, and increase your conversion rate significantly! ,  Easily add the badge and orders confirmation module on your shop
-60.02% Live Chat Module PrestaShop customer communication platform with a suite of integrated products for every team – including sales, marketing, product, and support.
Missing phone number prestashop invoice to delivery address
Missing phone number prestashop invoice address phone to delivery address copy automatically ,  andif Missing invoice  address phone automatically  copy from delivery address . All order  address and csv and invoice and delivery pdf 
New Products - Carousel and Responsive
Display New Products in Home page Product page bottom and every page left right column with responsive and slider. Best module to Show New product's
Order Reference Number Custom
Change any starting numbers & prefixes for all types of store documents such as invoices, orders, shipments, credit memos with 

Prestashop Automatic Product description generator
With our module generator you can automate the writing of thousands of search engine optimized product descriptions short description in multiple languages for your online store. 1-click you can generate description whole products.
Prestashop Automatically Default Combination Change When Out of Stock
Prestashop Change Default Combination When Out of Stock: This module facilitates you to automatically change the default product combination if the quantity of current default goes to zero. By default, Prestashop displays the default product combination upon page load. With this module , you can set a new default product combination when the current default combination gets out of stock. Also, the module automatically restores the previous default combination as current default once it is back in stock.