PrestaShop Modules to Power Your E-Commerce Website
There are 27 products.
The module will handle automatically payments made with Swish, Sweden’s leading payment processor.
Prestashop Ultimate Banners & Gallery banners - Responsive
Display Grid and List responsive banners in Home page , Left and Right column like banner and slider . Add custom HTML, banner images and sliders anywhere on your site. Best module for banners.
Product info download Prestashop PDF
This module which allows customers to download product data. Either a button on each product page, or a link to download product data sitewide which would include prices, descriptions, image links, skus, etc
Product list banners manger (categories page banner) Module PrestaShop
Easy-to-use PrestaShop banner manager enables you to show product list banners on product or category pages to stimulate customers add items to cart
Remove Broken and Corrupted images Prestashop Module
Remove Corrupted images and Broken images module removed , Corrupted in frontend product page and all other pages and display coming soon image . this is best module to replace corrupted image to professional image.
Scroll Back To Top Module PrestaShop
Activate the module for smooth scrolling and smooth "back to top" feature.
Top Banner Ultimate Module PrestaShop
Top Banner module makes it easy to display a simple announcement, sales , special offers banner or bar and links to sales and offers products in your website.