PrestaShop Modules to Power Your E-Commerce Website
There are 26 products.
This module minimum Order allows you to create rules blocking orders according to several criteria, by determining a threshold to be reached according to several parameters.
Prestashop Swish för handel Payment Module
The module will handle automatically payments made with Swish, Sweden’s leading payment processor.
Product info download Prestashop PDF
This module which allows customers to download product data. Either a button on each product page, or a link to download product data sitewide which would include prices, descriptions, image links, skus, etc
Social Links Floating Module PrestaShop
This module allows you to add social media floating sidebar icons which can be connected with your social media profiles.
Twitter Feeds Module Prestashop
Display completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawlable versions of your Twitter feed on your website. Completely match the look and feel of your site with tons of...
WhatsApp Contact - Live Chat Pro Module PrestaShop
Great Prestashop Whatsapp Contact Button lets your customers quickly contact you on your WhatsApp Number just by a single click. module.