PrestaShop Modules to Power Your E-Commerce Website
There are 79 products.
While customer registered at one store , customer able to login all multi store - customer shared login ModuleSupport simultaneous login of customers under multiple stores and multiple domains, no need to login repeatedly, shared login (SSO).
Prestashop Disable / Enable Category by language and redirect
An easy to use module to disable show specific category for specific languages in store front. In Backoffice Every category have a disable or enable category by multi language and add URL option.
Prestashop Display Combinations in Products List & Add To Cart
Great Module to Display all product combinations in products list with add to cart button and quantity field and all product and all catalog . Module configuration lot of features or products Attributes many option you use.
Prestashop Enable Disable products by language - Active/Deactivate
This module allows you to Disable and Enable a product by language . A easy to use module to disable show specific products for specific languages in store front. Best module to hide and show products per language .
Prestashop Enable/Disable Category by language and redirect Module
An easy to use module to disable show specific category for specific languages in store front. In Backoffice Every category have a disable or enable category by multi language
An easy to use module to disable show specific category for specific languages in store front. In Backoffice Every category have a disable or enable category by multi language
Prestashop Export Customers CSV and XLS - Advance
Great module to export your customers with their order details to Excel, CSV . You can choose which fields to export, even their order and filter by Customer group. Easy customers export.
Prestashop Extra Category Description with Banners - SEO
Great module to Add Extra Description Fields and banners in your category page. Banner extra Fields and html block Display them anywhere on your category pages with SEO. simple install and automatic work. Unlimited category description .
Prestashop Gold Price Add/Update Product Price
Real-Time Data API for Gold Our industry-leading Precious Metals Data Feed API for Gold XAU supports on-demand real-time spot price .
Prestashop Google Analytics GA4 & Universal Analytics - NEW API
Google Analytics GA4 & Universal Analytics PrestaShop module has been developed by the seo expert that will prove useful, especially if you are upgrading to GA4. this is best Google, track and report traffic. etc..
Prestashop Hide Disable product by countries
This module allows you to disable and Enable a product by countries. A easy to use module to disable show specific products for specific countries in store front.
Prestashop Hide Price & Add to Cart - Customer login
Hide Price and Cart Button Hiding price or Add to Cart Button enables merchants to optimize their product price appearance according to their sales strategy. option if customer login show price and add to cart button.
Prestashop Infinite scroll & Lazy Load - Optimization
This is great module Image Speed Optimization and scroll down load product will increase your page speeds and speed rating. Increased page speeds can result in better search engine rankings.
Prestashop Lazy Load Images Page Speed Optimization Modules
Lazy Loading will increase website speed by loading all the images after your website load completely on customer's end.
Show Animated GIF Image during the loading of your website with each product. You can set time interval to delay in loading images
Prestashop Mass product Friendly URLs regenerate
Mass product Friendly URLs regenerate Regenerate missing products & images links - by shop and language - PrestaShop . This module a few languages added to your shop and since Product Friendly URL generate by shop and language, now I would like to generate SEO. missing product images url and product url generate , Missing products link generate automatically.
Prestashop Optimization and Cleaning & Error Fixing - Ultimate
This module Delete old or unused data , duplicate Product URLs fix . This module is an extremely good toolkit for your online store , and clean with all function of prestashop . This module will help you everything.
Prestashop Prices Manager & Currency Conversion automation
Our multistore currency converter will help you resolve issues with getting prices wrong in the Prestashop multistore environment.
Prestashop Product Size Chart Guid in Popup - Ultimate
Ultimate Product Size Chart is used to show an instant size chart on your product page without putting efforts. It’s really simple to use even for a normal user. per product and all product option and by categories and brand to add size chart popup.
Prestashop Product image Magic Zoom Plus New
Magic Zoom Plus zooms AND enlarges images & includes product videos too. Hover to see a gorgeous zoomed image to the side; click to enlarge it and fill the screen. Switch between product images & product videos effortlessly.
Prestashop Recently Viewed Products - Ultimate carousel
Let customer see what they were looking for by showing them their recently viewed products in silder many option Home Page Left column , Right column , Product page Footer like amazon website.
Prestashop Related Product and ( Accessories ) - cross selling
The Cart Related Products module is great to show your customers which products would go great with products that they have added to their shopping cart by displaying view cart page , checkout page , a pop-up showing the related products!