Tag: URL

Prestashop Mass product Friendly URLs regenerate
 Mass product Friendly URLs regenerate Regenerate missing products & images links - by shop and language - PrestaShop . This module a few languages added to your shop and since Product Friendly URL generate by shop and language, now I would like to generate SEO. missing product images url and product url generate , Missing products link generate  automatically. 

Prestashop Beautiful URL & Remove IDs & Language Prefix - SEO
Prestashop Clean URL's - remove ID's language prefix from URL. PrestaShop Seo URL Module SEO friendly your website and removing auto generated IDs/numbers from URLs of your products, categories, manufacturer & other pages. auto redirects old URLs to new URLs
Prestashop URL Redirect (301/302/303) Advanced
Prestashop Proper URL redirects are necessary for better SEO. This PrestaShop Redirect Module gives you the ability to easily create unlimited URL redirects to your shop. Remove 404 errors by redirecting dead URLs to related products or pages.

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