PrestaShop Modules

PrestaShop modules for your ecommerce website

More than 100 PrestaShop modules exist to help you to customize your online store, increase traffic, improve conversion rates and build customer loyalty.

Make your ecommerce website a success!...

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Product Banners with Form Prestashop & Upload Image
Display responsive Product banners product page by category see banners in products when click on the banners , open Form and Upload Image by customers and customers other details . Display customers added Details in Module by banner. 
Product info download Prestashop PDF
This module which allows customers to download product data. Either a button on each product page, or a link to download product data sitewide which would include prices, descriptions, image links, skus, etc
Twitter Feeds Module Prestashop

Display completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawlable versions of your Twitter feed on your website. Completely match the look and feel of your site with tons of...