Prestashop Media

PrestaShop Media Modules lets you add and mange audio, video, Youtube, MP3, MP4, Wav, banners, images and everything related to media on your website’s home page, product pages and inner pages. You can control the mind of people by utilizing power the power of media on your website. PrestaShop Modules for Media offer advanced features and as a website owner you can manage them without any problem.  Modules lets you take a winning position by offering its Best Media Modules for PrestaShop.

PrestaShop Media Plugins offer low Cost Advertisement and Marketing channel

Make your site more tempting and exclusive by incorporating audio, videos, Google Maps and images.

Makes your website ‘sticky’, once customers visit your site they will likely to stay for longer.

Capture the emotions of people and sell your products effectively

Due to potential of our media modules your brand and products go viral quickly.

There are countless more features our PrestaShop Media Modules bring for you. For every one sale you miss you are losing hundred more sales, get all the sales at your doorstep with our media addons.

If you feel sometimes super and sometimes worried about the sales volume,  PrestaShop Modules have incredible worth to be incorporated on your website. If you think you might be doing best then think for a while that are you doing what is required. To give you an example, consider Media Testimonials. By incorporating video testimonials you strengthen your marketing campaigns. Another use case would be using Events galleries providing event related information on your website such as images, videos. Make your store more innovative, get your copy right now!

Prestashop Lazy Load Images Page Speed Optimization Modules

Lazy Loading will increase website speed by loading all the images after your website load completely on customer's end.
Show Animated GIF Image during the loading of your website with each product. You can set time interval to delay in loading images
Prestashop Product Images Zoom Ultimate - Responsive
Product image zoom Ultimate lets your customers view a full-screen, high definition image of your products! . Your customers need to see your products in detail. Ultimate Product Images Zoom with just one click and enjoy the best zoom for your store
Prestashop Remove Broken and Corrupted images
Remove Corrupted images and Broken images module removed , Corrupted in frontend product page and all other pages and display coming soon image . this is best module to replace corrupted image to professional image.
Remove Broken and Corrupted images Prestashop Module
Remove Corrupted images and Broken images  module removed , Corrupted  in frontend product page and all other pages and display coming soon image . this is best module to replace corrupted image to professional image.
Top Banner Ultimate Module PrestaShop
Top Banner module makes it easy to display a simple announcement, sales , special offers banner or bar and links to sales and offers products in your website.