Facebook & Social Networks

The social network modules help increase your store awareness by promoting your products on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest... You can also boost conversions by increasing user registrations (Social Connect & Social Login) or by offering coupons to your community.

Social networks free and paid modules for PrestaShop helps you to manage settings and appearance of your shop on popular social network websites like facebook, twitter, google plus etc. You can find here also social login plugins that offers register process with one button click and other integration feaures that are availabie within popular social platforms.

Facebook Pixel Conversion Tracking Module Prestashop
This is the original Facebook Pixel module that helps PrestaShop store owners quickly integrate multiple fb pixels, add more pixel events and data, and optimize for more conversions. Facebook Pixels is great module.
Free Instagram Carousel Feed Photos Hashtag & User - New API Module
Display your Instagram photos and videos on PrestaShop home page and left right column and other page's in minutes with an easy setup.
This module allows you to show the last photos of an Instagram user or hashtag. Super easy to install and fully responsive.
Instagram Feed Slider & Carousel with NEW API Module
Display Instagram Feed & Slider with NEW API , user and hashtag . Display your awesome Instagram images on your store front with our module with NEW API . Best latest module and mobile responsive.
Intercom.io Live Chat Module PrestaShop
Intercom.io customer communication platform with a suite of integrated products for every team – including sales, marketing, product, and support.
Prestashop Google Customer Rating and Reviews
Best customer rating and review module for Prestshop, and increase your conversion rate significantly! , Easily add the badge and orders confirmation module on your shop
Social Links Floating Module PrestaShop
This module allows you to add social media floating sidebar icons which can be connected with your social media profiles.