PrestaShop Modules to Power Your E-Commerce Website
There are 27 products.
Promotion Popup module displays an advertisement pop-up containing image and text on the website. If the user didn’t close the Ad manually then Ad will automatically close after a time interval set by you
Prestashop SEO Checker and Optimization - Super
Optimize the natural SEO of your site on all search engines by this modules and you see what is SEO issue in your website products
Find comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) tools for your site.
Find comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) tools for your site.
Product Banners with Form Prestashop & Upload Image
Display responsive Product banners product page by category see banners in products when click on the banners , open Form and Upload Image by customers and customers other details . Display customers added Details in Module by banner.
Recently Viewed Products - Carousel and Responsive Module PrestaShop
Display user's recently viewed products in Home page Product page bottom and every page left right column with responsive and slider.
Serve static content And Keep Alive Module PrestaShop
Fix Serve Static Content From a Cookieless Domain And Keep-Alive Warning. in your website. One easy way to fix this warning is to use this module.
Twitter Feeds Module Prestashop
Display completely customizable, responsive and search engine crawlable versions of your Twitter feed on your website. Completely match the look and feel of your site with tons of...
Ultimate Super Speed - GTmetrix amazing
Ultimate super speed is a great module to install and forget about the page load speed issues and minimize page loading time, utilize server resource , save bandwidth and SEO optimization