
Prestashop Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions.

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Prestashop Pingdom pro - speed optimization
Pingdom  pro speed optimization is a best module to install and forget about the page load speed issues and minimize page loading time, Database optimization, HTML/ CSS/JavaScript minification and GZIP , save bandwidth and SEO optimization
Prestashop Popup Newsletter
Newsletter Popup is a powerful and flexible module create lightbox popups that help you get more newsletter subscribers, promote new products, deliver special offers. 
Prestashop Product Size Chart Guid in Popup - Ultimate
Ultimate Product Size Chart is used to show an instant size chart on your product page without putting efforts. It’s really simple to use even for a normal user. per product and all product option and by categories and brand to add size chart popup.
Prestashop Product image Magic Zoom Plus New
Magic Zoom Plus zooms AND enlarges images & includes product videos too. Hover to see a gorgeous zoomed image to the side; click to enlarge it and fill the screen. Switch between product images & product videos effortlessly.
Prestashop Product Images Zoom Ultimate - Responsive
Product image zoom Ultimate lets your customers view a full-screen, high definition image of your products! . Your customers need to see your products in detail. Ultimate Product Images Zoom with just one click and enjoy the best zoom for your store
Prestashop Product Price decimals Add Remove
This module easy to add price .00 and remove in price . Price decimal module also allows store admin to change or delete the decimal number in a price, that displayed in the frontend and backend of your store.
Prestashop Promo Popup - Pop Ups, SMS & Email Marketing
Promotion Popup module displays an advertisement pop-up containing image and text on the website. If the user didn’t close the Ad manually then Ad will automatically close after a time interval set by you
Prestashop Related Product and ( Accessories ) - cross selling
The Cart Related Products module is great to show your customers which products would go great with products that they have added to their shopping cart by displaying view cart page , checkout page , a pop-up showing the related products!
Prestashop Remove Broken and Corrupted images
Remove Corrupted images and Broken images module removed , Corrupted in frontend product page and all other pages and display coming soon image . this is best module to replace corrupted image to professional image.
Prestashop SEO Checker and Optimization - Super
Optimize the natural SEO of your site on all search engines by this modules and you see what is SEO issue in your website products
Find comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) tools for your site.
Prestashop Sticky Add To Cart button - Advanced n.
Sticky Add To Cart bar - A floating bar that becomes visible either when customers start to scroll/swipe down or when customers scroll/swipe beyond the original Add To Cart button.
Prestashop Sticky Add to cart with combination - Pro
Sticky Add To Cart Show Top on the Page and Footer option with product combination when scroll page ,
Boost Sales & Conversions With A Sticky Add To Cart Button . it appears when the page is scrolled down and the common button is invisible .
Prestashop theme Supermarket Online Shop Template Prestashop Awesome

Same as using this website theme hide only vertical menu and left column

Super is a modern, clean and professional multi-purpose PrestaShop theme, It is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.

Super is super for fashion shop, digital shop, accessories shop, food shop, devices shop, household appliances shop or any other categories.

Prestashop Top Cleaner , Optimization and Speed Up
This module will help you keep your store nice and clean. Fix bugs, improve performance, make your backups smaller and upgrade process much faster with excessive data removed from you database.