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GA4 Google Tag Manager - Advance Module PrestaShop
Google Tag Manager  module allows you to integrate Google Tag Manager on your PrestaShop site so that you can track and gather valuable visitor data from your website and make...
Google Page Speed Optimizer Module PrestaShop
Automatically compress product images and use advanced JS/CSS minification options to improve your website performance and get higher score in Google PageSpeed Insights.
Google PageSpeed Insight Module PrestaShop
Fast and optimized pages lead to higher visitor engagement, retention, and conversions. Increase page load speed.
The Page Speed Module help you to get a passing grade in Google Page Speed Insight.
GZIP Compression Module PrestaShop
GZIP compression is bundling (zipping) pages on a web server before the page is sent to the visitor.This saves bandwidth and therefore increases the loading speed of the page significantly.
-60.02% Live Chat Module PrestaShop customer communication platform with a suite of integrated products for every team – including sales, marketing, product, and support.
Lazy Load Images Page Speed Optimization Modules

Lazy Loading will increase website speed by loading all the images after your website load completely on customer's end.
Show Animated GIF Image during the loading of your website with each product. You can set time interval to delay in loading images
Minify HTML Module PrestaShop
Minify HTML Module will compress your HTML by shortening URLs and removing standard comments and whitespace; including new lines, carriage returns, tabs and excess spaces.